Each week Student Health Promotion is Live on BeWellPanthers Instagram to provide a forum for students to interact with a health educator. Each week's discussion highlights a different health and wellness topic along with campus resources available to students.
The first week of the month is Healthy State theme for February is “Dear Me, Be Kind to Me,” February is Love Your Body Month. Students will be encouraged to use #ILoveMeGSU to share tips for self-care of mind and body. The Healthy State events focus on providing students an opportunity to learn ways to take care of their bodies and mind. Students will also use #HealthyStateGSU and #WellnessWednesdaysGSU and #ILoveMeGSU to share one service they learned and opportunities to learn about the services available through Health and Wellness services, and opportunities for student involvement focused on the association of health and well-being to student academic success.
We encourage you to follow the #WellnessWednesdays to learn of the weekly topics, health & wellness services available to students, and opportunities for student involvement. All topics are identified to be associated with helping to improve students' academic success.

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