About this Event
555 North Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA
https://mygsu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/agotlieb_gsu_edu/EUJEK56pDT9ApdLZF9m0BiQBPqm5AZGg_fvPGwCPnssBZg?e=5YLyap #SeeYourselfInTheArts TheArtsAreForEveryoneKicking off the Theatre Arts Guild season at Perimeter College is a unique theatrical experience called "Plays In a Day". Writers, actors, and directors come together to create short plays that have been cast, polished, and brought to life in a span of 24 hours for a showcase that is a testament to creativity and collaboration.
Mark your calendars for a single, exclusive evening of five-minute plays: Saturday, August 31st at 8pm in The Marvin Cole Auditorium on the Clarkston Campus of GSU. Don't miss this one opportunity to see how artists rise to this formidable theatrical occasion. Join us for a night that celebrates the power of ingenuity and the joy of live performance!
Admission is free with a pay what you can donation to support our Drama Club.
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