Join the School of Public Health for the Meet & Talk (MeTa) Series 7 - a virtual social mixer for our faculty, staff, and students.

Featuring networking with public health leaders, virtual breakout sessions, fun activities, raffles and prizes. 

All registered participants are required to submit questions for the guest speakers and Dean Rodney Lyn in advance.


Thursday, October 14th

5 p.m. ET

Open to the public.
Zoom registration required:

Guest Speakers:

Dr. Rodney Lyn
Dean and Professor
School of Public Health, Georgia State University
Welcome Remarks

Dr. Christine Stauber
Associate Professor of Environmental Health
School of Public Health, Georgia State University
Topic: Environmental Health: Think Global, Act Local

Dr. Daniel Whitaker
Distinguished University Professor
School of Public Health, Georgia State University
Topic: Adverse Childhood Experiences and their Impact on Health

Dr. Ada Dieke
Public Health Professional
Topic: Maternal and Child Health and Health Diplomacy: The Global and Tribal Context

Clark Bowers
Director, Talent Acquisition at World Vision International
World Vision International 
Topic: Navigating the Professional Environment, Internships, Networking, Jobs, etc.

Ajene Nicholson
School of Public Health, Georgia State University
Topic: Workplace Violence

Questions? Please contact:
Dr. Elizabeth Armstrong-Mensah

Event Details

See Who Is Interested

  • Tiffany Wilson
  • Angel Mathews

2 people are interested in this event

Open to the public.
Zoom registration required: