900 S Indian Creek Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083

https://aimh.gsu.edu/circle-of-security/ ##COSP2024
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Circle of Security Parenting is a manualized attachment-based program used internationally with parents and other caregivers of children under 6. This four-day training seminar leads to certification and is designed to help professionals understand the theory and research underlying our video-based parenting research. It offers an accessible step-by-step intervention process designed for group intervention but is also used in home visitation and individual or couples counseling.

Presented by: Trasie Adams Topple, COSP International Trainer
Hosted by: Georgia Association for Infant Mental Health

At the time of registration:

$1,000 (includes COSP training manual, parent handouts, access to online resources, and license to use the above materials to implement the COSP program with caregivers. Please see the website for more info.


REGISTRATION:  https://www.circleofsecurityinternational.com/learn-more/?629



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