Tuesday, April 16, 2024 1pm to 3pm
About this Event
2101 Womack Rd.
Join the Dunwoody Creation and Technology Lab (CATLab) for the 2024 CATLab Spring Film Festival. The screening will take place Tuesday, April 16 from 1-3 p.m. at auditorium 1100 in the NC building.
Student filmmakers are encouraged to submit their original work to the CATLab to be featured during the film fest. All student submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 5. Films must be submitted as an .mp4 file that be delivered in person to any CATLab during business hours, or via file sharing email to catlab@gsu.edu. A YouTube link sent to the CATLab email is also acceptable.
Content Guidelines
The following original forms of content will be considered:
Nudity, graphic sexual content, drug use, and obscenity will result in disqualification from the festival presentation. The use of copyrighted material or commercial music is discouraged and eliminates the possibility of being able to promote your film on our social media platforms or to use your work to promote the film festival in the future. There are many royalty free resources that students can use for stock footage or music: https://www.free-stock-music.com/ for example.
Filmmaking Equipment Checkout Guidelines
If you have the vision, but. not the equipment, the CATLab offers multimedia equipment rentals for Georgia State students. Equipment checkouts for the CATLAB Spring Film Festival will operate within the same policies as regular equipment checkouts for students. Extended 2-week equipment checkouts begin March Ist and are due back by March 29th (depending on the lab schedule where the equipment came from).
Post Production guidance can be found at the Alpharetta CATLab on Mondays/Thursdays from 9am - 4pm and at the Dunwoody CATLab on Tuesdays/Wednesdavs from 9am - 4pm.
The screenings will be held at: