About this Event
555 North Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA
https://mygsu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/agotlieb_gsu_edu/EUJEK56pDT9ApdLZF9m0BiQBPqm5AZGg_fvPGwCPnssBZg?e=5YLyap #SeeYourselfInTheArts TheArtsAreForEveryoneIf you are ready to get back on the stage or if you are looking to try something new and thrilling, audition for "Plays in a Day" Friday, August 30th at 6pm in the Marvin Cole Auditorium on Clarkston campus. Imagine the excitement of crafting five-minute plays within just 24 hours while connecting with fellow theatre enthusiasts and fostering new friendships.
Immediately following auditions, you will be cast, receive your script, and have a chance to meet with your director. We will rehearse most of the day Saturday -- call time will be based on your role/play.
Performances are one night only: Saturday, August 31st at 8pm in The Marvin Cole Auditorium.
Don't miss out on this chance to experience creativity and camaraderie while tackling a unique theatrical challenge. Be a part of "Plays in a Day" and unleash your inner thespian!
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