About this Event
Join the Office of Applied Practice Experiences and Career Services for an exciting event where students will present their projects and share their experiences. Jasmynne Blacks from Grady Health System will also provide insights on being a preceptor during the APE process. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and connect!
Light hors d'oeuvres will be served, making this a great opportunity to connect with students and peers in a relaxed setting. APE partner Jasmynne Blacks, Program Manager for the Food as Medicine Pharmacy at Grady Health System, will deliver a brief presentation.
The APE Showcase will be held on Wednesday, October 23 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room 233 of the Urban Life Building and is part of APE Peek Week. REGISTER HERE
Information about the students and their APEs are below:
Margot Moorman, Health Promotion and Behavior concentration
APE Project Title: “Health Education Development”
APE Project Site: Georgia State University
Expected graduation: December 2024
Lise Mawaw, Epidemiology concentration
APE Project Title: “Assessing the Effectiveness of Diabetes You Can Win Foundation’sOutreach Efforts in 2023: Raising Awareness for Diabetes Prevention and Management”
APE Project Site: Diabetes You Can Win Foundation, Inc.
Expected graduation: August 2024
Adonica O’Neal-Hogan, Health Policy & Management concentration
APE Project Title: “Monitoring and Evaluation Assessment of the Environmental Justice Index”
APE Project Site: CDC/ATSDR Geospatial Research Analysis and Services Program (GRASP)
Expected graduation: December 2024