Wait a minute! Linkedin is where people look for jobs and employees?  How can I use that in my course? LinkedIn and LinkedIn Learning offer different benefits and services!

  • LinkedIn offers social networking benefits/services that allow members to connect with other trusted professionals, find jobs, and stay up-to-date with industries and business connections.
  • Linkedin Learning (formerly Lynda.com) is an online educational platform that offers expert-designed content geared at developing professional skills.

With LinkedIn Learning seamlessly integrated into iCollege, now you can create links that take students directly to the desired instructional content. Attend our upcoming webinar to learn how you can use the valuable LinkedIn Learning platform within iCollege to

  • Locate and research LinkedIn Learning content easily within iCollege 
  • Seamlessly add up-to-date and relevant Linkedin Learning content (videos, courses, learning paths, etc.) to your course curriculum
  • Assign content that prepares students for professional certifications
  • Track student progress and content completion within iCollege
  • Sync grades and other course details into the iCollege grade book

During this webinar, you will also learn how other GSU faculty are using LinkedIn Learning to enhance the student learning experience. Come hear your colleagues share their best practices and experiences using Linkedin Learning content in their curriculum.

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